Waves of Steel

An extremely unconventional naval combat simulator

TMA Games

Public Relations | Marketing | Consulting

Developed by TMA Games, in Waves of Steel you face off against humongous enemy fleets in a story-driven, edge-of-your-seat single-player campaign that transcends time and space. Alternate-history WW2 goes off the rails in a big way, with historical ships facing down fever-dream superweapons armed with lasers, lightning guns, and other science-fiction staples.

“I think this game is really, really rad!”

– SplatterCatGaming

Social Media Assets

Here’s a glance at some of the social media assets shared for Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist‘s marketing campaign.

Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist
Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist
Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist
Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist
Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist
Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist
Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist
Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist
Waves of Steel


Out Now on Steam: Build Your Own Warship in Waves of Steel

From disco lasers and energy shields to improbable superweapons
like a flying battleship, this game has it all!

SAN FRANCISCO – July 21, 2021 – Take part in fierce ship-to-ship battles in TMA Games’ Waves of Steel – an extremely unconventional naval combat simulator launching today on Steam.

In Waves of Steel, you face off against humongous enemy fleets in a story-driven, edge-of-your-seat single-player campaign that transcends time and space. Alternate-history WW2 goes off the rails in a big way, with historical ships facing down fever-dream superweapons armed with lasers, lightning guns, and other science-fiction staples. This is a fast and accessible naval combat simulator. Across the game’s single-player campaign, your lone ship will need to take on hundreds of enemy ships, planes, and submarines – along with colossal superweapons like a flying battleship and a gun made out of a volcano (!)

Between missions, use the parts you’ve scavenged to customize your vessel in a flexible yet straightforward ship designer. You’ll need all the firepower you can muster to take on the enemy and find the source of their power …

“Back in 2006, Warship Gunner 2 came out for the PlayStation 2. It was a ton of fun, and I wanted to play more games like it. Too bad it was the last game in its genre,” says Chris Weisiger, founder of TMA Games. “I waited years for someone to continue its legacy but I’ve finally run out of patience … so I’m doing it myself!”

Key Features

  • Extensive single-player campaign broken up into small pick-up-and-play missions.
  • Powerful ship designer that allows you to freely place parts on your ship’s deck – along with customizable flags, paint jobs, and decals. Build your own destroyer, cruiser or battleship!
  • Dozens of playable ships based on historical designs.
  • Hundreds of ship parts with distinct art and capabilities: Use naval artillery, anti-aircraft guns, missile launchers, and more advanced weaponry like railguns and lasers to take down the enemy.
  • Story-motivated missions with a small cast of heroes and villains: Circumnavigate the globe in your fight against tyranny!


  • Rebindable controls
  • Adjustable volume for music, ambient sounds, and other sounds
  • Adjustable game speed from 10% to 200%
  • No requirement for held buttons; weapon fire can be set to hold or toggle
  • Any weapon can be set to autofire, allowing the player to focus on sailing the ship
  • Customizable UI allows adjusting radar colors and transparency for ease of reading

Easily-accessed in-game assists such as invincibility, infinite ammo, and the ability to skip missions

Pricing & Availability
Waves of Steel is now available on Steam Early Access for $9.89 – a 34% discount. On July 28, the game will return to its retail price of $14.99. An OST bundle is also available for a discounted price of $17.89 (28% off retail).






Screenshots & Logos



Social Media
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/WavesOfSteelGame
Twitter – https://twitter.com/byobattleship
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ80tVqJUK74LeNWIlG1Uxg
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/byobattleship
Discord – https://discord.gg/aCjxy9QGND

About TMA Games
Founded in 2020 and based in Pacifica, California, TMA Games is the home for solo developer Chris Weisiger’s passion projects. To learn more about Waves of Steel and TMA Games, please visit http://tmagames.com.


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