The 3D platformer Heart Chain Kitty is now available on the Nintendo Switch! Created by solo developer Bernhard Politsch of origamihero games, Heart Chain Kitty follows in the footsteps of platforming greats Super Mario Sunshine and Banjo-Kazooie to deliver an...
Help humanity find a new home in turn-based JRPG Azure Saga: Pathfinder from Indonesian studio, MassHive Media: A 2.5D epic featuring gripping combat, memorable characters and an intergalactic plot, Azure Saga is bound to surprise both sci-fi and fantasy fans on the...
Embark on a musical journey of self-discovery in Distortions, an award-winning adventure game from Brazilian developer Among Giants – available now on Steam! Enter a realm where music, magic, and memories take on a whole new meaning in this stunning exploration of the...
Technolites, the frantic shoot ‘em up from Canadian studio zugalu, is now on Kickstarter seeking $24,674 USD ($31,000 CAD) in completion funds: Featuring an original story with fully-voiced characters and a ton of ship customization options, Technolites thoroughly...
Award-winning adventure game Distortions from Brazilian studio Among Giants is heading to Steam and the Windows Store in early 2018! Portraying a music-driven journey of self-discovery, the game transports players to a realm where music, magic, and memories take on a...