Published by China’s NGames, Dark Era takes players on a journey — fighting evil alongside historical characters. In this free-to-play, 3D massively multiplayer online action RPG for PC, players explore six eras from Eastern and Western culture. Dark Era’s...
A trio of Novy team members — Cat Wendt (Creative Coordinator), Brie Wendt (Research Coordinator) and Aaron Goldman (QA Coordinator) — attended the PlayStation Experience (PSX) in San Francisco in December 2015. Here are their impressions:...
Music has a special place in our hearts, so promoting this game was a treat: In Bebop Puzzle Beat, players join Bosco, Miles, Hot and Jelly on a mission to rescue the band’s lead singer, Mila — who has been kidnapped by an evil shape-shifting wizard. The game...
We were stunned by the beautiful art of Zems and even more happy to partner with Tulsa developer Yang Pulse of Impulse Unlimited and Emmy Jonassen of Indie Game Girl to help bring this exquisite card game to the public eye. Players master the weather and maneuver...