The critically-acclaimed side-scrolling platformer Ayo: A Rain Tale – created by Lebanese studio Inkline – has launched on the App Store and Google Play. Shedding light on the hardship of more than 319 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, Ayo: A Rain Tale explores...
Embark on a life-changing journey for clean water in the thought-provoking platformer Ayo: A Rain Tale – launching today on Steam and the Mac App Store. The atmospheric side-scrolling platformer addresses the plight of more than 319 million people in Sub-Saharan...
Venture across the dangerous Sub-Saharan desert to bring water to your village in Ayo: A Rain Tale – now Greenlit on Steam! Embark on a journey for clean water in this lyrical side-scrolling platformer – developed by Lebanese studio, Inkline – that addresses the...