When it comes to PAX West, Novy specializes in streamlining the creative chaos. The entire team had a blast running Brace Yourself Games’ demo booth, making new friends, exploring the convention, and just soaking in the vibrant energy of 500,000 thrilled gamers. Everyone loved introducing these great Brace Yourself Games games to the community. The family’s already looking forward to next year’s show!
Steven Kasparek
Working at PAX West 2022 with the Novy Unlimited and Brace Yourself Games teams was a fantastic experience. Everyone in the booth was in their element and did an incredible job sharing the lineup of games with PAX attendees. The newly-designed booth was perfect to showcase all of the titles we had at the show – allowing us to adjust to what players most wanted to see while keeping wait times short. The merch and signing area was centralized compared to past events and made it much easier for people to shop and visit with the developers. Everyone worked together to keep things running smoothly, which made for a stellar event!
Cecile Brule
Working with Novy Unlimited and Brace Yourself Games at PAX West 2022 was an ideal situation: They’re smart, savvy teams that know how to plan and improvise – and they’re just lovely people to spend time with! I hadn’t anticipated how much fun I’d have getting to know everyone and explore PAX together. PAX itself is also just an amazingly stimulating environment – in the best way possible. The sheer energy generated by so many passionate, creative, fun-loving people is an incredible thing. It’s also a fascinating opportunity to talk with developers and pick up some professional and creative tips. Working the booth also gave me an extra appreciation for BYG. I’d enjoyed playing their games on my own, of course – but sharing them with the PAX attendees and watching them fall in love was a whole different experience. Thank you so much, Novy and BYG! Hope to see you all again next year.
Eileen Cruz
Being part of the Novy Unlimited team at PAX West 2022 was an unforgettable experience. Engaging with so many PAX attendees and getting to share in and encourage their appreciation and enthusiasm for video games was truly wonderful. It was so much fun meeting existing fans of the client’s titles and being able to introduce so many new people to games they had not yet had the pleasure of playing. Jeannie and Luis have a knack for finding skilled and passionate individuals with positive energy – and then bringing them together to form cohesive teams. Novy’s communication and preparation made sure the booth staff team had all the tools and information necessary to be able to pivot as needed to ensure a successful PAX West. I look forward to being a part of their team every time!
Jeffrey Allen
My experience at PAX West 2022 was all-around delightful. I thought the venue was well-assembled and the conference staff helpful. The titles we showcased at the Brace Yourself Games booth were really well received, the demos were super solid, and everyone was on top of their game! As far as conferences go, this was really smooth. Novy and BYG did a great job with pretty much everything. All in all, I had a fantastic time with some wonderful people and hope to be invited again!
Alex Perry
I always wanted to go to PAX, but I didn’t know how fun it would be for work. I was definitely in for a surprise. Seeing people enjoy their time so much and just be so engulfed in the culture was an experience I’ll never forget. To make things even better, I meshed like crazy with the Novy Unlimited team. It never felt like work because of the people. The last night in Seattle was probably one of the best nights of my entire life – plus I got a picture with the former president of Sony Interactive Entertainment at the Brace Yourself Games afterparty!
Tristan Conley
Working with Novy Unlimited and Brace Yourself Games was nothing but a positive experience. It was amazing to see the event (and exhibitors) knock it out of the park – especially after the events of the past few years. I met some amazing people throughout the convention – both part of our team and outside of it! As someone who enjoys games as their primary hobby and career, it was nothing short of incredible to be a part of it all around – especially when it came to meeting or even just briefly seeing people who have worked on games that I love. Are my legs still killing me? Yes. Would I do it again? 100%!
Garrett Ferson
This was my first PAX experience, so I was a fair bit nervous! As soon as we got into the convention center and I saw the booth, I relaxed. Meeting the Brace Yourself Games crew was great as well. The booth ran smoothly once we all fell into our roles. Alex and I acted as “greeters” – helping with wrangling the line and sending people to the stations they needed. The booth was never out of control due to the way it was organized; there were only so many people that could come in at once. That definitely helped the booth run smoother and made the busy-ness feel more consistent without many hiccups. All in all, it was a great experience – and I’d love to return next year!