“A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone,
if it is to keep its edge.” – George R.R. Martin

In this issue, we’re looking at what could be the future of books, tabletop RPGs – and games, of course! Our case study is the recently released Knights of San Francisco – a mobile app that takes books, games, tabletop RPGs, and gamebooks themselves into a brand-new direction.

If you’ve been aching for a truly interactive narrative within the framework of books, read on 🙂


Knights of San Francisco – A state-of-the-art text-driven RPG by Filip Hráček of Raindead, in which a young necromancer explores what remains of the ancient city of San Francisco.

  • Reveal Trailer
  • Gamebooks and Interactive Literature
  • Game of the Week & More!

DIY Developer – Immersion isn’t all about AAA graphics, cinematic scores, and complex gameplay.

Click here to check it out!