Interstellar Space: Genesis – a spiritual successor to Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares and other classic 4X titles from the ‘90s – has hit the fabled Alpha milestone. Virtually feature complete, the latest build also boasts a new soundtrack by Grant Kirkhope (GoldenEye 007, Civilization: Beyond Earth) and Neon Dolphin’s Ryan McQuinn.

Turn-based strategy fans who pre-order Interstellar Space: Genesis will gain immediate access to the Alpha build – helping further polish this massive space game with their feedback, bug reports, and suggestions.



The World is Yours
Developed by Portuguese studio Praxis Games, Interstellar Space: Genesis is a turn-based space 4X strategy game where you play as the Emperor of a space-faring civilization. You’re free to explore the wonders of space – colonizing other worlds and expanding their sphere of influence across the stars … where untold mysteries and danger await. Venturing into outer space, it soon becomes clear that you are not alone in the universe. In fact, meeting other species is a virtual certainty: What will you say (or do) when you end up facing off against another sentient species? Will there be peace, cooperation, and progress – or will there be blood?

The brainchild of Adam Solo and Hugo Rosado – the team behind sci-fi strategy website – Interstellar Space: Genesis will deliver beloved Master of Orion II-inspired gameplay mechanics while providing the “quality of life” features players have come to expect from modern titles.

Pricing & Availability
Interstellar Space: Genesis is available for pre-orders with instant access via Humble Store widget from November 29 through December 16 for $24.95 USD. Pre-orders will close after that, and will soon be followed by the official Closed Beta. The Steam store page is available, and the game is available for wishlisting. Interstellar Space: Genesis will be released on Q2 2019.

Available now for Steam wishlisting and pre-orders with instant access via Humble Store widget –  followed by the official Closed Beta. Windows and Mac, Expected to launch in Q2 2019, Interstellar Space: Genesis has been featured in a number of outlets – including Worth Playing, Blue’s News, Extra Life, GoToGame, Gaming Cypher. and The Gaming Ground.

Read more about Interstellar Space: Genesis and Praxis Games here.